Clients - Law Firms, Legal Departments, Regulators
CMRA Institutional Investor clients settled their Allianz Structured Alpha litigation
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CMRA provides expert services in both investigations and litigation. As true “experts” who have extensive hands on experience and whose practice is balanced between sharing our expertise with clients who are trying to avoid/solve problems and those who are litigating/investigating problems, we are uniquely qualified to provide advice and testimony.
CMRA has been involved in investigations and disputes arising from most of the financial meltdowns for over 30 years. We have prepared expert reports and/or testified in numerous high profile cases involving complex financial instruments and have participated in several high profile investigations.
CMRA was called "The Red Adair" of financial engineering by Grant's Interest Rate Observer and was hired by the Fed as an advisor on the LTCM aftermath.
CMRA is a thought leader in Best Practice. The breadth of our client base, (including hedge funds, money managers, funds of funds, investment banks, commercial banks, derivatives companies, institutional investors) as well as geographic diversity (We have had clients on 6 continents) gives us a unique cross industry perspective on best practices.
Once in a lifetime crises
1. Selected Meltdown related litigation
- Consulted testimony in dispute with Allianz Structured Alpha
- Market manipulation
- ISDA Loss calculations including FVA/CVA
- Force Majeure re Texas superstorm Uri
2007/08 Financial crisis
- Lehman (18 related cases)
- Multiple subprime disputes including CDO
- Madoff
- Canadian ABCP
- Market manipulation
- Libor suppression
- ISDA Fix
- Loss calculations and margin call dispute as transactions based on multiple asset classes
Tech Bubble / Enron
- Provided an expert report in a case involving late trading
Russian Debt Crisis / LTCM / Columbus Day Mortgage Meltdown
- Advised on the unwinding of an emerging market hedge fund (HRO) with over 100 derivative positions including valuation and market practice issues.
- Provided an expert report and testimony in a London based arbitration regarding interpretation of ISDA documents in light of the Russian debt crisis.
- Analyzed the issues in a litigation matter relating to margin calls and liquidation of hedge fund with significant mortgage backed and emerging market exposures for a large European bank.
- Analyzed the issues in a litigation relating in numerous margin calls of an MBS hedge fund for a large broker/dealer.
1997 Asian Financial Crisis
- Consulted re market practice re credit derivative swaps with Korean counterparties.
1994 Meltdown / Orange County Bankruptcy / Bankers Trust / Break the buck
- Orange County Pension Plan bankruptcy
Analyzed the circumstances surrounding Orange County’s margin calls (pre-bankruptcy) and blew the whistle, see WSJ article – re: CMRA’s bail out effort)
- Bankers Trust
Hired by the Federal Reserve, SEC, CFTC, and NYS Banking Commission to conduct a comprehensive review of the derivatives business of Bankers Trust post Proctor & Gamble/Gibson Greetings
- Askin
Provided valuation and market practice expert report and testimony in the Askin/Granite Funds meltdown.
- Breaking the Buck
Advised money market fund concerning “breaking the buck” as a result of investments in mortgage backed “kitchen sinks” in 1994.
2. Ordinary Course litigation/disputes
CMRA has also provided Expert reports, Expert testimony and calculations in disputes and investigations unrelated to general market meltdowns:
- Provided analysis on variable annuities and risk management of an Canadian multinational insurance company during market meltdown.
- Dispute re whether swap is cancelled when underlying loan is paid back.
- Expert report re: best practce and CDS trade breaks between 2 dealers.
- Provided an expert report in MF Global Dooley agricultural Futures and options litigation.
- Expert report and testimony on asset swaps between 2 dealers.
- Prepared expert report and was deposed in Federal Tax Court case involving long-term repurchase agreements.
- Drafted expert report in arbitration involving alleged mispricing of settlement prices and volatilities on options traded on the New York Future Exchange.
- Provided expert consulting regarding the valuation of a complex purchasing option embedded in a contract.
- Provided expert report and testimony on behalf of a large European bank in an arbitration related to the profitability of an unusually long term option.
- Provided a “fair value” opinion to a large bank on illiquid securities.
- Provided expert testimony and analysis in a Federal Court trial involving FX options.
- Analyzed a complex CLO and provided an expert report in a dealer/investor dispute.
- Daiwa Japanese FX options and forwards vs RCM hedge fund.
- Advised in legal disputes regarding interpretation of 1987, 1992 and 2002 ISDA Master Agreements providing expert perspective.
- Expert witness in litigation re Minmetals and FX trading.
- Provided an expert report in an inter-dealer dispute over interpretation of asset swap and repo agreements.
- Provided an expert report and testimony in a London based arbitration regarding interpretation of ISDA documents in the Russian debt crisis.
- Provided an expert report in London litigation arising out of the 1996 Sumitomo copper scandal.
Services for Lawyers
Testifying Expert Witnesses
Expert Reports, Court Testimony, and Trial Preparation on both liability and damages by seasoned experts with many years of market background as well as academic credentials and testifying experience.
Consulting Expert Services and Pre-litigation Support Analysis
Crisis management, pre-litigation analysis and advice, trial strategy analysis and review by experts with expensive hands on OTC Derivatives and Structured Finance trading, structuring, risk management, valuation, and risk governance experience.
Valuations of Complex Financial Products and Transactions
Valuation of complex or less liquid instruments is a core compentency of CMRA. We have valued thousands of OTC derivatives ranging from plain-vanilla swaps to CDS to exotic options and synthetic CDO cubed transactions.
Transactions and Derivatives Terminations and Unwinds Advisory Services
Independent evaluation of OTC Derivative and Structured Finance pricing, structuring, documentation, collateral valuation
Transaction pricing and risk evaluation
Assistance in effective execution
Internal and Regulatory Investigations
Experienced in conducting internal investigations and in conducting investigations/reviews for the Fed, SEC, FINRA, NYSBD, DOL, GAO, etc.
Crisis Management and Mitigation (Derivatives and Structured Finance 911)
Swat team to assist in quickly assessing problems, evaluating alternatives and solving problems by experienced experts in order to rapidly assess the pitfalls and maximize the value of OTC derivatives and structured finance transactions and collateral issues including close out under the ISDA master agreement and global portfolio analysis assessment, cross default, valuation benchmarking and options available with respect to timing and valuation of entire portfolios including CDOs, CDS, energy, FX, rates, all ISDA transaction types and complex quantitative and legal risk management assessment.
Risk Governance Advisory
Advice on policies, committee structure and charters, Risk Appetite Statements, and Benchmarking of Board Risk Practices
Risk Education
Selected CMRA in the Press – Lawyers
How to recognise and benefit from a financial bubble - Morningstar - Jan. 2019
Six Women Honored With Outstanding Women in Performance & Risk Measurement Award - The Spaulding Group - June 2018
The Quants May Not Be Able To Prevent The Next Meltdown - Forbes - Jan 2012
What Is a Chief Risk Officer, and Should Hedge Fund Managers Have One? - Hedge Fund Law Report - Aug. 2009
Risk Inverse - The Journal of Portfolio Management - Spring 2009
In Modeling Risk, the Human Factor Was Left Out - The New York Times - Nov. 2008
Cascades, Contagions, and Death Spirals - CFA Magazine - July/August 2008
VaR Enough? Market turbulence tests the limits of Value at Risk - Institutional Investor - June 2008
Citibank responds, sues for breach of contract in credit default swap case - Debtwire - April 2008
Don’t Trust the Wall St rally - Fortune - March 2008
Subprime and Hedge Funds: Hard Lessons to Learn Here? - HedgeWorld - Sep. 2007
Market volatility puts risk at forefront - Pensions & Investments - August 2007
The Pain Moves Beyond Subprime - BusinessWeek - August 2007
The calm after the storm - or the eye of the hurricane? - Investment Dealers’ Digest
UP THE VOLGA WITHOUT A CALCULATOR At this point, banks can’t figure their exposure - Business Week - Sep. 1998
Post-LTCM, most funds ignore VAR - IDD - June 2000
“Orange County didn’t know how much trouble its investment fund was in until Leslie Rahl spent her weeks sorting it all out from both coasts last fall.“ - Frobes - May 1995
PICKING UP THE PIECES The Critical Blunder That Brought Down a British Institution - Los Angeles Times - March 1995
“In the forbidding corner of the Wall Street jungle known as the derivatives markets, where the locals are known as hard-quants, rocket scientists or just plain nerds…Leslie Rahl is widely considered among the best of native guides for wary travelers.“ - New York Newsday - Jan. 1995
ORANGE COUNTY IN BANKRUPTCY Asking for Help Advisers: Orange County turns to a New York firm for expertise in handling its imperiled fund. The holdings may be sold piecemeal. - Los Angeles Times - Dec. 1994
Making a model - Grant’s Interest Rate Observers - Aug. 1994
“What Red Adair is to oil and gas exploration, CMRA is to financial engineering"
August 12, 1994