Commodity Derivatives - oil & gas, metals, electricity, environmental, agricultural

Click here to receive a copy of our energy derivatives thought piece when it is released in late October.

CMRA has extensive experience in commodity derivatives (both exchange traded and OTC). Energy, metal and agricultural derivatives are an integral part of both CMRA’s risk advisory and litigation support practices.

We have valued transactions in dispute, evaluated commodity risk management for both dealers and end users, and opined on margin practices. 

Before becoming a derivatives pioneer in the early 80’s, CEO Leslie Rahl was responsible for the gold and silver vaults (among other depts) at Citi during the Bunky Hunt Silver Crisis. 

Selected assignments:

  1. A variety of disputes related to Texas superstorm Uri

  2. Provided expert testimony on sugar trading, market liquidity and margin calls/position close-outs

  3. Drafted expert report in arbitration involving alleged mispricing of settlement prices and volatilities on options traded on the New York Futures Exchange

  4. Vetted many complex pricing models

  5. Conducted comprehensive reviews and risk diagnostics for a large cross-section of firms

  6. Expert MF Global Dooley litigation

  7. Provided expert testimony on the complex derivatives involved in Sumitomo’s trading scandal

  8. Valued option on cell phone population units embedded in a merger contract

  9. Pre-investment due diligence for PE firm considering investment in Environmental Commodity trading business

  10. Design risk measurement and limits structure for an alternative energy trading boutique

LME nickel vs Shanghai nickel spot comparison (YTD)

LME nickel vs Shanghai nickel spot comparison

(Source: Bloomberg)

Natural Gas Prices in US and Europe (2018-2022)

Natural Gas Prices in US and Europe

(Source: EIA - Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price; Dutch TTF futures price)

Renewable Energy Certificate Market Size and Forecast 2020-2030

US Renewable Energy Certificate Tracking Systems Map

(Source: CRS)

PJM TRI Qualified Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)  Price (2018-2023)
